Phonotext Support Services

Our download Service
Phonotext developed software will be freely available for download for interested users. Some will be offered on a trial basis, after which, their continued use will require the purchase of a licence.

Other software packages will be offered on a limited facility basis for indefinite use. These demonstration software will still allow potential users to experience the full capabilities offered by them, restrictions applying to saving or transmitting data over electronic and other media.

Subscription to our Newsletter
Once you register explicitly, like in the case of the Unikura, the desktop and laptop computer software package or any similar product, or register implicitly like in the case of Savanakura, the mobile smart phone and tablet software package when you purchase it, you become eligible to receive regular updates to software arising from enhancements as well as problem fixes.

Buyers of PhonoText products can become members of our Newsletter which will carry news of enhancements as well as new uses of our products, clarifications to User Manuals and related information.

You can register for a copy of the free subscription by sending your name and your e-mail address to: Subscribe

If you wish to leave the subscription service, please send an e-mail to: Unsubscribe

Frequently Asked Questions on Unikura
Please visit the above link for a collection of frequently asked questions by users on Savanathura, the desktop and laptop computer software package.

Frequently Asked Questions on Savanakura
Please visit the above link for a collection of frequently asked questions by users on Savanakura, the mobile smart phone and tablet software package.